The Indiana Department of Labor and Central Indiana ASSP announced the winners of the 2024 Governor’s Workplace Safety Awards during the Indiana Safety Conference on February 28, 2024. The awards “provide recognition for companies based on best practices for eliminating workplace injuries and illnesses, and salute employers who have made safety and health a top priority.”
The Indiana companies were awarded in four categories:
- Education and Outreach: Kimball International (Jasper, IN)
- Partnerships: ZF Active Safety and Electronics US LLC (Lafayette, IN)
- Innovations: Masterbrand Cabinets LLC, Ferdinand Operations (Ferdinand, IN)
- Rising Star: GE Aerospace Lafayette Engine Facility (Lafayette, IN)
At the awards luncheon, seven individuals were honored and received the “Everyday Safety Hero Award,” which recognizes Hoosiers who “have championed workplace safety and health excellence” in their workplaces. The Heros were nominated by their peers or employers.
- Jesse Neese, Yardmaster, Grain Processing Corp. (Washington)
- James Farley, Electrical and Instruments Technician, Grain Processing Corp. (Washington)
- Jenny Waller, Bender Operator, Cardinal IG, (Fremont)
- Andy Burnett, Airport Operations Center Communications Manager, Indianapolis Airport Authority (Indianapolis)
- Tyler Conrad, Metal Production Associate, Viewrail – Plant 6 (Goshen)
- Professor Kendra Erk, Professor of Materials Engineering, Purdue University, (West Lafayette)
- Shane Hasebly, Building Senior Manager, Purdue University (West Lafayette)
For more information visit GWSA Awards.